Assessment 202


Interpreting assessments of school or district results

Planning requires a firm grasp of the soft meaning of test results. It also requires that the progress of the same students over time be measured. Learn how to make reasonable claims of the progress of student learning in your school or district. Smarter plans will be the result.

Assessment 201


Interpreting assessments of student results

Ambiguous evidence of student learning is the rule, not the exception. Yet you and your teachers must make decisions about student assignments based on this evidence. Learn how to tame that ambiguity, and make those tough decisions with the best quality evidence in hand.

Assessment 101


Interpreting assessments

Test results are uncertain, and human judgment is fallible. Yet, handling that uncertainty properly can improve the quality of human judgment. Learn the assessment fundamentals that will boost your team’s assessment IQ and help them make wiser decisions.

Accountability 103


Mismeasurement of schools’ and districts’ vital signs

Whether or not your school or district has landed in differentiated assistance, it’s time to review the limits of the Dashboard. We will review the roots of mismeasurement, and show you other approaches that enable you to see your school’s or district’s vital signs in a new light.

Accountability 102


Impact of accountability reporting

Enrollment and reputation of your schools and district are affected by accountability reports. Learn what happens to your accountability reports once they are published. Includes parent choice scenarios, and their search for facts that influence their decisions. Includes review of other sources of school information.

Accountability 101


Accountability reporting fundamentals

Schools’ and districts’ reputations are rising and falling based on their accountability reports. Yet the skills required to do it effectively have not been codified and conveyed to those responsible for doing that work. You’ll learn how to do this effectively, and what a difference good reporting can make.

Planning 103


Planning with comparative visual evidence

When you see the vital signs of your district or school in the context of others whose students are very much like your own, you may be very surprised. Learn to see those vital signs with fresh eyes when you expand your visual vocabulary. See progress of test results redefined in a way that makes sense.

Planning 101


Planning with evidence: school plans (SPSAs)

Good site plans depend upon sound evidence of schools’ strengths and challenges. We’ll review the quality of evidence and measurement methods used in site plans. And we’ll guide principals to become better judges of the quality of evidence they use, and better forecasters of outcomes.

Measurement 102


Telling data stories persuasively

Leaders who hold high quality evidence in hand still need to learn how to persuade others. There’s an art and a science to data story-telling. We’ll teach you how to do it, so you can tell memorable stories in front of any audience that are persuasive.